Vengeance Borne: Book Five of New Blood

Vengeance Borne Coming Soon!

Battle Calm
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Pale Face
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Vengeance Borne
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Demon Seed
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Order of Light
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Crown Prince
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Order Now! Vengeance Borne:
Book Five of New Blood!

Award-winning and critically acclaimed science-fiction and fantasy author W.D. Kilpack III triumphantly returns to his epic-fantasy series, the New Blood Saga! In Vengeance Borne: Book Five of New Blood, the past and present collide, forcing Natharr and the rest of the Rilari to struggle with the consequences of their absence, past choices, and the power of the Usurper’s vizier left unchecked for far too long. The strain proves too much for some, requiring hard decisions to prepare for a dark future racing toward the Guardian of Maarihk, Ellis the Elder, and the Knights of Ril. All that two generations of Guardians have planned from what their Sight revealed is on the brink of failure. They split their forces to race against time, gambling that thinner numbers will endure on diverging paths toward victory.

Meanwhile, Nathan fights to deal with great loss and a change of course in his life in the Maarihk Empire as it plants new seeds yearning for a single goal: vengeance.

February March Science Fiction/Fantasy Bards & Books Top 10 Books & Series So Far Call of the Dragons

Recent Media Appearances

"As a kid, I was hooked on sci-fi. Isaac Asimov and Robert Heinlein were my heroes and I lost hope of finding any other author to assume their reins. But find him I did. W.D. Kilpack III has assumed the crown with a majesty and a flair I had despaired of seeing again." — Mel Calvert, host of The Mel Calvert Show on CBS and co-founder of Author Symposium

Battle Calm

"Battle Calm is a visceral dystopian war novel. Combat is fierce, on the battlefield and in the calm between enemy engagements." — Jessica Bair, former Special Agent, US Army CID

"Battle Calm is a sensational book that I did not want to end. From the first page, I was enchanted by the author’s incredible words and wanted [to] follow Badger as well as fellow Keepers whose lives are dominated by killing and fighting a vicious war [creating] an unforgettable and twisty tale that [kept me] hooked from the get-go!" —

"Rilari is a triumph, offering an enthralling adventure filled with courage and the enduring spirit of humanity." —

"If you are tired of reading the same old books that are lackluster and forgettable, then take a chance with Rilari. I promise you that you will not be disappointed!" —

Rilari: Book Four of New Blood
Demon Seed: Book Three of New Blood

Demon Seed is "one hell of a ride! New revelations that were fascinating, intriguing, and scary. Demon Seedis deep, raw, powerful, and entertaining.” — Jose F. Nodar, author of Books, Pens & Larceny (South Wales, AUS)

In Demon Seed,"Kilpack takes you on an intimate journey with these characters that twist and turn in such surprising ways. I can’t help but continue to see where things will go!" — Usman, host of Bards and Books YouTube channel (British Columbia, Canada)

Pale Face is "pretty darned good. I love how [Hector] sees the aliens and the white men in the same light. This is good stuff." — Dave Wolverton, International Best-Selling Author

Pale Face is "absolutely fascinating! The book gives whole new meaning to the phrase 'pale face.' Pale Faceis, in part, sci-fi. But I found it to be so much more. It's a deep diving character study of Hector that borders on Navajo mysticism. Kilpack's writing style was mesmerizing." — Jeff Bailey, author of Not On My Watch

Pale Face
Order of Light: Book Two of New Blood

"Kilpack is well on his way to writing one of the greatest epic fantasy tales of all time!" — Usman, host of Bards and Books YouTube channel (British Columbia, Canada)

Order of Light "is a fabulous book ... magical and captivating ... I was immersed in the story from the beginning till the end. The characters and the plot were both so well-written that [it] made me feel I was with them. A wonderful novel that I enjoyed 100%." —

Crown Prince is "one of the most brilliant fantasy novels that I have ever had the pleasure of reading!" —

Crown Prince's "swift pacing ... coupled with dark storytelling, strong descriptive skills, and captivating character development ... balances emotion with duty well." — K.C. Finn, USA Today best-selling author

Crown Prince: Book One of New Blood

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